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Our welding company has more than 20 years of experience and numerous qualifications for everything to do with laser welding

Some examples for our qualification.


A sign of our special qualification is the welding test according to DIN EN 1418. This test clearly demonstrates our higher quality requirements than is usual with other companies.

Forming parts

A 0.3 mm thick copper beryllium sheet was formed into a cone. The ends of the plates were welded without an additional material. The special requirement is, to get the same Physical properties in the welding area in terms of extensibility and fracture behavior as in the base material. After each series of tests, metallurgical investigations were carried out until the necessary values were reached. Then the forming of the sheet could be done without loss.

Cut images of oscillation experiment

Quality test after 5 million oscillation tests by the Hochschule Esslingen (University of Applied Sciences)

Aluminium welded joint

Cut Images of Aluminium welding.

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